There is much weighing on our hearts and minds these days – Delta variant, Climate Crisis, Afghanistan, Haiti, and the list goes on. In addition to prayer, here are three different ideas to act upon:
- Give, if you can – UCC’s partner Global Ministries does amazing long term disaster relief. You can give here to support relief efforts in Haiti, remember no amount is too small!
- Stay informed and then take a break – As important as it is to stay informed, it’s also important to take breaks from our 24/7 news cycles. Talk with other humans in your life, take a walk outside and give thanks for the Creation in your neighborhood, make sure you’re eating and drinking regularly.
- Engage locally – We have the most effect in our local communities. Make someone a meal or cookies, get involved at the Action Center, call your local representatives about something they are doing well – in addition to what you’d like to see change.
Finally, know your pastors are here for you if you’d like to talk.