Sunday, April 19, 2020

John 20:19-31
Happy Easter! As we continue to celebrate resurrection anyway, we come to the story of Jesus appearing to the disciples after his death and resurrection two different times. Themes of fear and confusion, grief and sorrow continue, reminding us that resurrection joy does not stamp out all doubt and fear and pain, but has the power to transform it – and us. So how do we let the Easter story change us into people of hope? And how might this be in conjunction with how we are letting this time change us? Join us for virtual worship this Sunday as Rev. Mollie preaches on the season of Eastertide, and the hope and change it offers us – doubters and believers and all.
All the tools you’ll need to join us this Sunday!
In this time when we are not able to gather together in person, we are happy to provide our Sunday Worship service to you from the comfort of your home. Below you will find everything to join us. You will need access to Adobe Acrobat to view the bulletin. You can download that for free here.
Service begins promptly at 10:15 am on Sunday, and though we can’t all be together in person, we strongly encourage singing along and participating in any way you’d like! The service is accessible through your phone as well as your personal computer just by clicking on one of the link below.
Help us see who is joining us for service! Even if you’ve been with us for years or just checking us out, please click here if you’re joining us this Sunday morning!
Bulletin and Announcements: Click here to view the Sunday bulletin and announcements*
Sheet Music: Click here for sheet music to follow along during worship*
YouTube Live Stream Service: Click here to join our 6:15 am and/or 10:15 am live stream
Giving Online: We are now happy to offer the opportunity to give online with! Please click HERE to learn more or text GIVE to (844) 909-1782.
To sign up for automatic withdrawal, please fill out this form, attach a voided check, and mail it to the church at 100 Carr St. Lakewood CO, 80226. Thank you.
*Updated Bulletin and music will be posted the Friday before worship