This upcoming Sunday, October 4, we will be participating in the Neighbors in Need Offering. With this, we join with other UCC Churches in our commitment to this Special Mission Offering, which contributes to the 5 for 5 Offerings. One-third of contributions to The Neighbors in Need Offering supports the Council for American Indian Ministry. Two-thirds of this offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. This year the Neighbors in Need offering will pay special attention to projects focusing on serving our immigrant neighbors and communities. Again, this offering will take place on October 4th, as part of World Communion Sunday. You can contribute to it by marking the memo field on your check with “Neighbors in Need”; you’ll also be able to find a dropdown labeled “UCC National Special Offering” within
tithe.ly. We can do a lot to alleviate the trouble in this world. We hope you’ll join us.