Courage Through Community
Spiritual Practices and Conversations to ground us this election season. Spiritual%rarebiz-readmore%
An Open and Affirming Church
Click here for our full online calendar, which includes Board and Committee meetings.
Spiritual Practices and Conversations to ground us this election season. Spiritual%rarebiz-readmore%
This month's Delores Project meal is Dinner on Thursday, November%rarebiz-readmore%
Join us as we start upon the Road Less Traveled,%rarebiz-readmore%
SAVE THE DATE! On Saturday, December 7, Lakewood%rarebiz-readmore%
The holidays and Christmas in particular can be a difficult%rarebiz-readmore%
The Lakewood UCC Book Group will be meeting on Sunday,%rarebiz-readmore%
Join us for this all age-service on Christmas%rarebiz-readmore%
Join us Christmas Eve at 7:00 pm for pre-service%rarebiz-readmore%