Adult Education: “Cool Diets for a Hot Planet”
Lakewood United Church of Christ 100 Carr Street, Lakewood, CO, United StatesSay what??? How does what we eat impact the planet’s%rarebiz-readmore%
An Open and Affirming Church
Click here for our full online calendar, which includes Board and Committee meetings.
Say what??? How does what we eat impact the planet’s%rarebiz-readmore%
Youth from 7th through 12th grade are invited to join%rarebiz-readmore%
When we passed our budget for 2016, we agreed to%rarebiz-readmore%
It's fun to stick around after Sunday worship, sipping coffee%rarebiz-readmore%
Youth from 7th through 12th grade are invited to join%rarebiz-readmore%
Last month, Janet Wise and Paul Michalec led a powerful%rarebiz-readmore%
We're delighted to announce an upcoming opportunity for those who%rarebiz-readmore%
It's a leap year, and we have the perfect way%rarebiz-readmore%
This year’s Men’s Retreat will be held Friday, May 13,%rarebiz-readmore%
Youth from 7th through 12th grade are invited to join%rarebiz-readmore%